YO8 4 Postcodes, Map, Properties And Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

YO8 4 is a postcode sector in North Yorkshire, UK. Below is a complete list of YO8 4 Postcodes (Active). YO8 4 postcode sector comprises of 191 active postcodes. YO8 4 sector has a population of 6667, and it has 2880 properties in the region.

Browse Information On YO8 4 postcode sector

YO8 4 Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 6667
Addresses / Property Count 2880
Active Postcodes 191
Nearby Postcode Districts 36
Nearby Postcode Sectors 8

View Map Of YO8 4 Postcode Sector

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showing 0-50 of 191 postcodes
Postcode Latitude Longitude Households Population Easting Northing
YO8 4AA 53.78319900 -1.06385800 N/A N/A 461781 432281
YO8 4AD 53.78175900 -1.07191300 13 30 461252 432114
YO8 4AE 53.78182000 -1.07277700 33 71 461195 432120
YO8 4AF 53.78257800 -1.07196100 N/A N/A 461248 432205
YO8 4AH 53.78228200 -1.07335800 17 40 461156 432171
YO8 4AJ 53.78269500 -1.07321300 7 16 461165 432217
YO8 4AL 53.78178800 -1.07442200 26 70 461087 432115
YO8 4AN 53.78163000 -1.07388900 18 33 461122 432098
YO8 4AP 53.78102300 -1.07438800 15 32 461090 432030
YO8 4AQ 53.78166500 -1.07601300 5 8 460982 432100
YO8 4AR 53.78100600 -1.07554700 38 90 461014 432027
YO8 4AS 53.78213400 -1.07509200 18 28 461042 432153
YO8 4AT 53.77976000 -1.07599900 1 1 460986 431888
YO8 4AU 53.78029100 -1.07375700 11 43 461133 431949
YO8 4AW 53.78119100 -1.07398900 32 77 461116 432049
YO8 4AX 53.78094700 -1.07265900 6 18 461204 432023
YO8 4AY 53.78106800 -1.07673900 51 145 460935 432033
YO8 4AZ 53.78004600 -1.07823400 42 94 460838 431918
YO8 4BA 53.78068700 -1.07389400 N/A N/A 461123 431993
YO8 4BD 53.78535300 -1.07634100 10 25 460955 432510
YO8 4BE 53.78317300 -1.07232200 5 11 461223 432271
YO8 4BF 53.78405500 -1.06545700 N/A N/A 461674 432375
YO8 4BG 53.78739400 -1.07414100 18 30 461097 432739
YO8 4BH 53.78711400 -1.07516400 46 92 461030 432707
YO8 4BJ 53.78622400 -1.07507800 5 7 461037 432608
YO8 4BL 53.78503600 -1.07482100 17 51 461056 432476
YO8 4BN 53.78501500 -1.07555000 14 29 461008 432473
YO8 4BP 53.78677100 -1.07618900 29 67 460963 432668
YO8 4BQ 53.78550900 -1.07559400 5 15 461004 432528
YO8 4BR 53.78781800 -1.07551300 13 25 461006 432785
YO8 4BS 53.78766400 -1.07761700 8 12 460868 432766
YO8 4BT 53.78682100 -1.07681000 66 149 460922 432673
YO8 4BU 53.78668300 -1.07748100 54 152 460878 432657
YO8 4BW 53.78593900 -1.07661700 33 71 460936 432575
YO8 4BX 53.78652700 -1.07825900 40 82 460827 432639
YO8 4BY 53.78722500 -1.08020100 61 161 460698 432715
YO8 4BZ 53.78704900 -1.08070600 56 152 460665 432695
YO8 4DA 53.78763300 -1.08300000 46 125 460513 432758
YO8 4DB 53.78804100 -1.08473700 18 43 460398 432802
YO8 4DD 53.78863000 -1.08407200 19 26 460441 432868
YO8 4DE 53.78854600 -1.08373900 47 94 460463 432859
YO8 4DF 53.78599600 -1.08286900 13 39 460524 432576
YO8 4DG 53.78658900 -1.08281100 14 42 460527 432642
YO8 4DH 53.78628500 -1.08072300 41 100 460665 432610
YO8 4DL 53.78547200 -1.08004800 15 44 460711 432520
YO8 4DN 53.78782800 -1.07915600 44 75 460766 432783
YO8 4DP 53.78823300 -1.08034600 6 17 460687 432827
YO8 4DQ 53.78591600 -1.08188400 30 89 460589 432568
YO8 4DR 53.78900100 -1.07972200 27 53 460727 432913
YO8 4DS 53.78455000 -1.06886700 N/A N/A 461449 432427
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